Self-Sovereignty In The Digital Age

What do people mean when they talk about self-sovereignty?

Self-sovereignty means living life how you want, when you want, and reducing what other people, employers, and governments can force you to do. It means taking responsibility for the circumstances of your life. And it means creating and pursuing alternative options from the mainstream consensus. It's about securing freedom of choice for yourself.

The nuance of self-sovereignty is where freedom of choice comes from. Is it given by someone else (a government or a company) or is it created and protected by your own actions?

Think about it like this: all self-sovereign people are free but not all free people are self-sovereign. 

By that definition, self-sovereignty is about eliminating the single points of failure in your life. In other words, you want to live your life a certain way, and rather than fight with a government or employer over its rules that restrict your choices, you go out and find alternative options that permit you to walk away from any situation.

In this essay, I'll share a personal story about incorporating self-sovereign principles into corporate life, introduce the tradeoffs that come with self-sovereign lifestyles, and I'll provide examples of how the digital transformation provides tools anyone can use to minimize outside influences on their lives.

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