A Guide: Where To Start When Pursuing Self-Sovereignty

Frameworks, concepts, and prompts to help you think about where you might want to start on your journey to establishing a self-sovereign lifestyle.

I'm going to share a public response to some questions from a reader on where to start with the journey of self-sovereignty.

I know what I need to do, but I don't really know where to start it?

Is the starting point getting a second income? Paying down debt and building a travel nest-egg? Locating and connecting with like-minded individuals? Looking for solutions to reduce your current local dependence? Doing some sort of thorough assessment on your current Dependence matrix?

-Anonymous at the reader's request

The simple truth is that deciding where to start on your journey towards self-sovereignty is highly personal. That's just the nature of the idea itself. You're building a lifestyle that works for you while minimizing the outside influences in your life. That means you need to figure out what kind of life you want to live and what types of influences you want to minimize.

But, just because it's a personal journey doesn't mean there aren't a few common ways to approach the experience. In this essay, I'll provide you with some food for thought to help get you started. Frameworks, concepts, and prompts to help you think about where you might want to start on your journey to establishing a self-sovereign lifestyle.

Topics will include:

  • High Level Advice

  • Designing A Weighting System for Your Wants & Needs

  • Money Matters

  • Compound Growth

  • Seek Out Exponential & Asymmetric Opportunities

  • Cultivate BATNA's

  • Buying vs Building Cash Flow

  • Balancing Between Proactive & Reactive Strategies

  • Beware of Sunk Costs

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